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How to make your spouse trust you.
In psychology trust is believing the person who you trust to do what you expect. It starts at the family and grows to others. According to the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson development of basic trust is the first state psychosocial development occurring, or failing, during the first two years of life. Success results in feelings of security, trust, and optimism, while failure leads towards an orientation of insecurity and mistrust.[2]
Trust is integral to the idea of social influence: it is easier to influence or persuade someone who is trusting. The notion of trust is increasingly adopted to predict acceptance of behaviors by others, institutions (e.g. government agencies) and objects such as machines. However, once again perception of honesty, competence and value similarity (slightly similar to benevolence) are essential. There are three different forms of trust. Trust is being vulnerable to someone even when they are trustworthy; Trustworthiness is the ability to trust, and trust propensity being able to rely on them Relationship and Risk taking. Once trust is lost, by obvious violation of one of these three determinants, it is very hard to regain. Thus there is clear asymmetry in the building versus destruction of trust. Hence being and acting trustworthy should be considered the only sure way to maintain a trust level.
Increasingly much research has been done on the notion of trust and its social implications:
Trust plays a vital role in relationship. It's like a foundation in which any sensible relationship is laid upon.
Many relationship has collapse as a result of distrust. Things fall apart and the center cannot hold as result of distrust.
I know that many relationship, even marriages are the brim of packing up now base on the same subject.
So what must you do to safe that person that loves you to stick to his or her promises to you
Be know for the truth at all time. Let your watch word be "what I say is what I will do "
never make him to see you as a liar. Just a little lie could create a crack on the wall that can introduces a lot of predators.
Do not nag him. Nagging is like you are reminding him of what he has forgotten. Perhaps you never trust him that's why you nag.
Let Him know that you care about him. Prove to him that you care
Never advise him to tell lie else he would take you to be one.
Never Hide your your mobile phone when you are with him. Receive all call confidently in his presence. Allow him to receive your call.
Never report his mum to him. Even when you are right.Treat his mum specially.
Never talk about you ex, let him be a forgotten issue. else he may think you're still seeing him
While you walk with him ...................
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